Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Makalah Landasan Filosofis Pendidikan


Makalah ini disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Landasan Pendidikan

Dosen pengampu : Drs. H. Mukson, M.M.


Disusun oleh :

1.      Unais Mabruroh                      86206160001

2.      Dedi Supriyadi                        86206160002

3.      Ani Purwati S.                                    86206160003

4.      Ulfah Layinah                         86206160004

5.      Tantowi Bungsu A.                 86206160005











1. Understanding the philosophical foundations of  education
The philosophical foundation comes from the views in the philosophy of education, concerning faith in human nature, beliefs about the source of value, the nature of knowledge, and of a better life is run. Schools of philosophy that we know today is idealism, realism, perenialisme, essentialism, progressivism and pragmatism and ekstensialisme. Philosophical foundation is the foundation relating to the meaning or nature of education, which seeks to examine key issues such as: whether it's education? why education was necessary ?, what should be the goal, and so on. Filsat words derived from Greek philosophy philien means love and sophia means wisdom.
There is a close connection between education and philosophy because philosophy tries to formulate the image of man and community, education While trying to realize that image. definition of human dignity and citizens participate in determining the objectives and ways of providing education.
Philosophy discussing something on all of the depth, it is said the truth is the truth of philosophy of science that is relative. Because the truth of science is only in terms of which can be observed only a small fraction.
In the big picture there are four branches of philosophy, namely:
1. Metaphysics is a philosophy that review of the nature of everything found in nature.
2. Epistemology is the philosophy that talks about knowledge and truth
3. Logic is a philosophy that talks about how humans think properly
4. Ethics is a philosophy that describes human behavior on the values and norms of society as well as the teachings of the subject of philosophical thought in this
2. Schools of philosophy and its implications  for education
Schools of philosophy and its implications for education
(A). flow Idealism
Asserts that the nature of reality is the idea as a mental idea. What is considered the truth of reality is only a shadow or a reflection of the idea as a spiritual truth or mental philosophizing. The idea of a psychiatric notion that as kebenararan or true value is absolute and eternal.
Thus realism school of philosophy is often seen as the different pieces of idealism. Comes into reaction mode of idealism that tends to abstract and metaphysical. The main instrument is a sense of realism and apart from the assumption that knowledge in the construction sense thought. This decisive difference of ideals that are even more bepegang the mental conditions of the mind.
The term "perenialisme" comes from the Latin, which is from the root "perenis" or "perennial" comes from the English language meaning to grow steadily over time, they live on from time to time or immortal. Thus, the view always believed about their indigo values, norms that are eternal in this life. Perenialisme saw education as the way back or the process of restoring its present state.
(D) essentialism
, Essentialism seeks to teach students with a variety of historical knowledge through core courses in academic disciplines tradisional.Esensialisme also intended to impart knowledge of history through the core courses in academic disciplines tradisional.Esensialisme have an overview of the different cultural and educational progressivism invitation.
Essentialism educational philosophy starts from the truth that has been proven for centuries. Truth like that are essential, the other is a truth by chance alone

(E) Flow Pragmatisme and progresivisme
Pragmatism is a school of philosophy that suggests that everything must be assessed in terms of usability pragtis, in other words, it states that utilitarian understand it must be true, or the measure of truth is based on the usefulness of something to men. This gave rise to the flow of progressivism against traditional education.
(F).   Flow Eksistensialisme
Existentialism including philosophy newcomers. Eksistensialisasi always been a philosophical thought which seeks for that man be himself, experiencing individuality. Existence means standing as yourself. Existentialism flow is divided into two properties, namely theistic (godless) and atteistik.
Implications education
1. Implications for teachersIf we consistently against efforts to professionalize the work of the teachers and the educational philosophy is the absolute footing. that is to say, as a professional worker is not enough when a mengesuai just what to do and how to do it. These two new mastery of competence reflected in a handyman.
Besides control over what and how of his duties, a teacher must also be mastered why he does his job every part and step in it a certain way and not in another way. terhapa answer the question why it refers to any action to fulfill their duties in a teacher who in turn had to be sent back to the educational goals to be achieved.
2. Implications for teacher education and education personnel
We recommend education theory of teachers and education personnel prosuktif is giving signs are adequately addressed in designing seta implement teacher education programs and education that graduates tenga able to carry out tasks keguruann in an educational context. signs in question denngan prepared using ingredients derived from three sources, namely: expert opinion, referred were refuted by scientific research results, analysis and selection of graduation assignment society's values.
3. Purpose of Education in IndonesiaWe already know that the basis and purpose of education in each country it is not always fixed all time, but often have perubahahn or replacement in accordance with the times.
In Indonesia perunahan-change basis and purpose of education it never happened. The following changes are in chronological order:
1. Minister PPK. Mr. Suwandi (dated March 1, 1946)
His formulation reads as follows:
"The purpose of education to form patriotism"
This formula is the answer to the stage of physical revolution marked by the arrival of the colonial government.
2. According UUUPP No.4 / 1950, No.12 / 1954
In Chapter III, Article 4 states the basic education and teaching as follows:
"Education and teaching based on the principles enshrined in the Pancasila, the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and on the culture of Indonesian nationhood"
In Chapter II, Article 3 is formulated purpose of education and teaching as follows:
"The purpose of education and teaching of human decency is to form a capable and citizens of a democratic and responsible about the welfare of the people and the homeland.
3. According to a summary Tap. MPRS. No.II / MPRS / 1960
In this Tap.MPRS written records in basic education and teaching in 1950 and 1954 as follows:
Manipol shall be added as education and teaching. In the Tap.MPRS, in Annex A written 21 educational goals and pengajran as follows:
 "Politics and our national education system, both held by the parties to the government and by the private sector, from pre-school education and higher education.